Welcome to MNsure, the only place you can apply for financial help to lower the cost of your monthly health insurance premium and out-of-pocket costs. Most Minnesotans who enroll through MNsure qualify for savings, and with updates to the Affordable Care Act, even more benefits are available.
Open enrollment for 2025 coverage ends January 15. Open enrollment is the annual opportunity to enroll in private health coverage or renew or make changes to a current plan.
Enroll any time of year if you qualify for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, or are a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe.
You can apply any time of year to see what financial help you may qualify for.
Steps to apply and enroll Get an estimate Find free help
Basic steps to get started plus detailed guides on how to complete an application and enroll.
Dates, deadlines and information about when you can enroll and when you can make changes.
MNsure is Minnesota's health insurance marketplace where you can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage that meets your needs.
To be eligible to enroll through MNsure you must meet certain requirements based on residency, citizenship or immigration status, or incarceration status.