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Change to Health Care Eligibility Rule for 2023

Who Gets this Notice

Households who may qualify for lower-cost health coverage through MNsure because of a change to a health care rule (often referred to as the “family glitch” fix.) 

What the Notice Is About

The notice explains how the new health care rule will make more families eligible for premium tax credits if the cost of their family coverage through an employer is determined unaffordable using the new rule.

What You Need to Do

Follow the instructions in the notice: complete the enclosed "Appendix A, Health Coverage from Jobs" form and return it to MNsure by FAX or mail. 

MNsure will use the information you provide on the form to determine your household’s 2023 eligibility for lower-cost health coverage. Once MNsure makes this determination, you'll get a notice with your updated eligibility.

How to Identify this Notice

  • The MNsure logo is on the first page, upper right
  • The title of the notice is "Proposed Change to Health Care Eligibility Rule for 2023"
  • There is an enclosed form called "Appendix A, Health Coverage from Jobs"
  • "MNsure Employer Cost Notice_09/22" is on the lower left of page one


If you have questions about this notice, call the MNsure Contact Center at 651-539-2099 (855-366-7873 outside the Twin Cities) and reference "MNsure Employer Cost Notice."

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