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Assister Portal

MNsure's assister portal is a secure, online platform for MNsure-certified assisters that integrates processes across MNsure's IT systems into a single point of access.

After a consumer provides authorization to an assister through their online account, an assister can use their assister portal account to view information and perform tasks on behalf of the consumer.

The assister portal simplifies the application and enrollment process, allows assisters to provide a higher level of customer services and eliminates the need for in-person meetings.

Log In   Need help logging in? See Account Management


Overview of the assister portal, including benefits, features and limitations.

Roles and Responsibilities

Understand your roles and responsibilities when using the assister portal to help consumers.

Helping Consumers

Links and information about helping consumers through the assister portal.

Account Management

Accessing and managing your assister portal account and list of consumers.

Resources for Consumers

Information to help consumers understand the assister portal.

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