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Agent of Record Policy


This policy applies to brokers.

Policy Details

The Individual Plan Agent of Record (AOR) is used to capture any agent of record designations, individual medical or dental plans, sold through the MNsure Marketplace, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 62V.051. Brokers should create an association with a consumer’s enrollment by having the consumer select the broker through the “Manage Assister” feature in the consumer’s MNsure account. Alternative methods outlined in this policy should be used to capture any retroactive agent of record designations that cannot be made by a consumer creating an association through the consumer’s account.

All of the following criteria must be met for brokers to receive compensation from a carrier once an AOR has been transmitted:

  1. Brokers must have completed all requirements to become a certified broker with MNsure.
  2. Brokers must have an active appointment with the insurance company that issued the insured’s policy at the time of enrollment. Insurance companies will compensate brokers based on the appointment contract between the broker and the insurance company subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 62V.05, subdivision 3.
  3. The broker identified must have a license in good standing with the state of Minnesota.

Portal Associations

Brokers must have completed annual certification or recertification requirements, including assister portal training, to obtain an assister portal account and a reference number to use when working with a consumer. Consumers enter the assigned broker’s assister portal reference number through the “Manage Assister” feature in the consumer’s MNsure account.;

  • Broker associations through the consumer’s account will be transmitted to the respective carrier with the enrollment file for each member of the household on that account.
  • Broker associations through the “Manage Assister” feature in the consumer’s MNsure account do not end unless the consumer selects a different broker or removes a broker from their MNsure account.

Retroactive AOR Requests

The Retroactive Agent of Record (AOR) form is used to create an association with a consumer’s enrollment only when an agent of record association is unable to be made through the “Manage Assister” feature in the consumer’s MNsure account at the original effective date of the policy. When possible, an assister portal association must be made even when a retroactive AOR is requested and submitted. The retroactive AOR is not a replacement for an assister portal association.

The request for a retroactive AOR should be submitted as soon as possible but may be submitted up to six months after the original enrollment date so long as they meet the requirements for retroactive designation. MNsure and the health or dental insurance companies have 60 days from the date of receipt at MNsure for an AOR form to be fully processed. MNsure will transmit completed AOR forms to the insurance company if all of the following criteria has been met:

  1. Brokers must have completed all requirements to become a certified broker with MNsure prior to the original policy effective date.
  2. Brokers must have an active appointment with the insurance company that issued the insured’s policy. Insurance companies will compensate brokers based on the appointment contract between the broker and the insurance company subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 62V.05, subdivision 3.
  3. The broker must have a license in good standing with the state of Minnesota.
  4. The broker has requested a retroactive agent of record form within six months of the effective date of the enrollment.


Retroactive agent of record (AOR) forms must be requested via the Broker Inquiry Form located on Assister Central. Retroactive form requests submitted through email or by phone will not be accepted.

When submitting a request for a retroactive AOR form include the following:

  • Broker name and NPN
  • Primary enrollee first and last name
  • Primary enrollee DOB
  • Policy effective date
  • Insurance carrier
  • Date of association

Once the AOR has been confirmed as valid, the form will be returned to the broker with the information provided pre-populated in the form to be signed by the consumer and the broker. The form should then be emailed to the Broker Service team at via a secure email as soon as possible to be sent to the carrier for processing

Paper Applications

Paper applications sent to MNsure do not always have an online account to create an association with the consumer through the “Manage Assister” feature in a MNsure online account. If unable to access a consumer’s MNsure account, you can request an AOR to be sent. Please follow the procedures outlined in this policy.

MNsure will transmit completed AOR forms to the insurance company if all of the following criteria has been met:

  1. Brokers must have completed all requirements to become a certified broker with MNsure prior to the original policy effective date.
  2. Brokers must have an active appointment with the insurance company that issued the insured’s policy. Insurance companies will compensate brokers based on the appointment contract between the broker and the insurance company subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 62V.05, subdivision 3.
  3. The broker must have a license in good standing with the state of Minnesota.
  4. The broker has requested a paper application agent of record form through the procedures outlined in this policy.


Paper application AOR forms must be requested via the Broker Inquiry Form located in Assister Central. Paper application AOR form requests submitted through email or by phone will not be accepted.

When submitting a request for a paper application AOR form include the following:;

  • Broker name and NPN
  • Primary enrollee first and last name
  • Primary enrollee DOB
  • Policy effective date
  • Insurance carrier
  • Date of association

Once the AOR has been confirmed as valid, the form will be returned to the broker with pre-populated information to be signed by the consumer and the broker. If signed electronically, signatures must follow MNsure's Electronic Signature Policy.

The form should then be emailed to the Broker Service team at via a secure email as soon as possible to be sent to the carrier for processing.

Terms and Definitions

  • Carrier appointment: A contract agreement between the broker and the insurance company.
  • Retroactive agent of record (AOR): A form that can be filled out and sent to the carrier manually to create an association with a consumer’s enrollment as of the original effective date of the policy. The retroactive AOR is not a replacement for an assister portal association.


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