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Broker Stakeholder Group

The Broker Stakeholder Group provides appropriate and relevant advice and counsel on MNsure's operations as it pertains to brokers.

Broker Stakeholder Group Charter

Broker Stakeholder Group Charter (PDF)

Scope of Activities

The Broker Stakeholder Group will provide appropriate and relevant advice and counsel on MNsure’s operations of the broker program.

Description of Duties

When MNsure program staff request guidance on a question or issue, the stakeholder group is charged with providing opinions and leveraging their expertise to provide input on program operations. While MNsure will set the agenda for meetings, members will have the opportunity to suggest potential agenda items.


The stakeholder group will consist of 10 to 13 certified brokers. MNsure will use the following criteria when selecting members: expertise, representation of large or specialized constituencies, and regional representation.

Designating an Alternate

A member of the stakeholder group may designate a specific individual as an alternate. This alternate may attend a meeting if the member is unable to participate. All meeting invitations and emails will be addressed to the member, who can forward information to their alternate as needed.

Participation Requirements

Due to the potentially sensitive information shared with the group, only the invited member or their designated alternate may participate in the meeting, unless prior approval from MNsure staff is obtained.

Members who are unable to attend two or more consecutive meetings of the Broker Stakeholder Group may be subject to replacement. Attendance by the member’s designated alternate is an acceptable way of meeting participation requirements.

Scheduled Meetings of the Broker Stakeholder Group

Meetings will be held virtually on the third Thursday of every other month. Additional meetings may be called as needed.

A subset of the Broker Stakeholder Group will meet with a subset of the Navigator/CAC Stakeholder Group to discuss issues of mutual interest. These meetings will be in addition to the monthly meetings.

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