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Shop and Enroll

Resources to assist with navigation through MNsure's shopping and enrollment platform.

Cost Estimates and Plan Comparison

Enhancements to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) expand benefits available to Minnesotans through MNsure. See frequently asked questions.

The plan comparison tool compares medical and dental plans available through MNsure. It is an "anonymous" shopping tool which provides estimated eligibility results for financial assistance based on location, household size and income without completing an application.

Note: The only way to get a final determination for financial help eligibility is to apply through MNsure using an application WITH financial help.

Watch the video guide on how to use the plan comparison tool

Considerations when Comparing Plans

  • Information entered in the plan comparison tool cannot be transferred to a MNsure application.
  • The tool has plan information for different coverage years. It is important to select the correct plan year to see the right plan data.
  • Selecting a plan remains one of the most difficult steps of the enrollment process. This tool makes the decision easier.
  • The cost-comparison function provides valuable decision support information by evaluating premiums, deductible amounts and other estimated out-of-pocket costs based on health status and expected use of medical services.
  • The tool provides more detailed plan information, such as if a particular plan covers specific prescriptions, includes child dental plans or is HSA-eligible.

Enroll in a Qualified Health Plan

See How to Enroll on for all inclusive instructions and information on enrolling in private coverage through MNsure. 

Assister Portal Users: The steps to enroll in a plan in the assister portal are the same as a consumer's view in the shopping and enrollment platform. Reminder: Brokers must have an association with the consumer through the assister portal to establish their agent of record.

User guides to the shopping and enrollment platform's features and functionality:

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