After you submit your MNsure application for health coverage, you'll get your household's "eligibility determination" on a screen titled "Your Health Care Results." See an example screen here.
If you are eligible for private coverage, you will continue with the enrollment process online, starting with your dashboard. See the steps below.
If you are eligible for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, you'll wait to receive information about your plan options from the Department of Human Services, your county, or tribal agency.
Your enrollment and eligibility information in one place, with next steps, countdown, private inbox and access to shopping and enrollment.
Information needed about exemptions, tobacco use and privacy notice acknowledgement before you can proceed.
Select the household members you want to shop for first. Create groups to enroll family members in different plans.
Answer optional questions about your household’s medical and prescription drug use to customize plan search results.
Compare plans side by side and then pick a plan.
Confirm your plan choice, sign and submit your enrollment.
Frequently asked questions about enrolling in private coverage through MNsure.