Guide to Reporting Additional Household Members Online for the Assisted Application
This guide is for MNsure-certified brokers, navigators and certified application counselors (CACs) to help consumers report additional household member(s) online for an assisted application using MNsure's online reporting forms.
Additional household members could include:
- Newborn babies
- Current household members that were omitted in error
Read through this entire guide before starting with the online form. Filling out the form should take about 30-60 minutes.
Getting Started
After you register to report changes online, log in and choose the Add a Person to Household (Assisted Application) topic.

Enter the first and last name of the individual being added to the application (which may or may not be the person reporting the change). Click “Continue.”
In the next section, for the relationship information:
Select the relationship of the person reporting the change to the individual being added. The example below shows the parent of the child reporting the change to you, the assister.

Complete the next section to include the consumer’s residential address information. Also answer the question: Does the individual plan to make MN his/her home?

Questions about the Individual being Added
The next section of the change form asks questions about the individual being added to the application.
Tips for this section:
- If “Other” is reason selected for adding an individual to an application, an explanation for why the consumer is being added must be given. Examples of other reasons include, but are not limited to a court order or the adoption of a child.
- If the individual being added is an American Indian or Alaska Native, additional information is required.
- Member of a federally recognized tribe?
- Tribal name
- Tribal ID
- Does individual live on a reservation?
- If adding a non-US citizen, is the individual a US national?
- If adding an infant to the application and the Social Security number (SSN) has not been received, answer no the SSN question and have consumer contact MNsure to add it once the SSN has been received.
- If the individual being added is pregnant, number of children expecting and due date are required.
- If the adding a tax dependent, the individual claiming the dependent must be identified with their date of birth.
The next section will capture the relationship of all individuals in the household. Each household member must be included.

Income and Projected Annual Income (PAI)
If applicable, answer yes and proceed through the next two screens to enter income and PAI information for the individual being added to the application.
If the individual has no PAI, add 0 in the field that requests a PAI amount.

Insurance Information
If individual being added to the application has insurance coverage, it must be reported in this section. Options include employer-sponsored insurance and minimum essential coverage.
Required fields for reporting employer-sponsored insurance:
- Full or part time employment – individual who is employed (note: this may not be the individual being added)
- Enrolled or entitled to this insurance (this applies to individual being added to application)
- Date of enrollment (note: this may be a future date)
- Employer ID (note: the employer’s EIN can be located on the employee’s W2 form)
- Employers name and address
Required fields for reporting minimum essential coverage (MEC):
- Type of insurance benefit
- Start date of the insurance
Supplemental Information
The answers to the questions in this section are necessary to ensure the person being added receives an accurate eligibility determination as well as the proper medical services.
Does the individual:
- Have a physical or mental health conditions that limit to work duties or daily activities
- Use tobacco
Is the individual:
- In jail or prison
- Blind
- Visiting Minnesota to get medical care or for personal reasons
- In a long-term care facility
- In a residential treatment program for mental illness or drugs or alcohol dependency
- Receiving services from the Center for Victims of Torture
- Seeking services to help stay in his/her home through a Medicaid home and community-based waiver program
- Seeking Medicaid payment of long-term care services to reside in a long term care facility
- Currently receiving medical care for an accident or injury
Has the individual:
- Ever been in foster care in Minnesota at the age of 18 or older
- Returned from a tour of active military duty in last 24 months
Submit the Change
Once the change has been submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you (the assister) used when registering to use the online change report forms.