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Assister Directory Policy


This policy applies to navigators.

Terms and Definitions

  • Assister Directory: Online listing of certified navigators available to help consumers with the application and enrollment process.
  • Supervisor: A certified navigator that acts primarily in a supervisory capacity and does not regularly directly assist consumers with completing an application.
  • Support staff: A certified navigator that provides support (such as pre-screening, setting up appointments, assisting with follow-up) and does not regularly directly assist consumers with completing an application.

Policy Details

To ensure that consumers are able to connect with application and enrollment assistance in their community, certified navigators are required to be listed on the MNsure Assister Directory.

All navigator organizations must have at least one certified staff member listed on the MNsure Assister Directory. Failure to list at least one certified navigator on the directory at all times may lead to immediate termination of the organization’s contract.

The following directory information must be provided for each certified navigator. This information will be listed on

  • First and last name
  • Business address
  • Phone number (may be a central phone number)
  • Email (may be a central email)
  • Language(s) spoken
  • County/counties served

Navigator organizations must attempt to provide assistance to all consumers who contact them or refer them to other assistance. Failure to attempt to provide assistance or connect a consumer with other assistance may lead to immediate termination of the organization’s contact.

Organizations may request that the following individuals not be listed on the Assister Directory, as long as the organization will continue to list as least one navigator on the directory:

  • Certified navigators that act primarily in a supervisory capacity and do not regularly directly assist consumers with completing an application.
  • Certified navigators that provide support (such as pre-screening, setting up appointments, assisting with follow-up) and do not regularly directly assist consumers with completing an application.

Navigator organizations are under a continuing obligation to inform MNsure if there is a change in a certified individual’s contact information or directory status, and when each certified individual is terminated, separates or otherwise ceases to perform navigator services.

The following certified individuals are not required to be listed on the Assister Directory:

  • Certified applications counselors
  • County staff
  • Tribal government staff

References and Related Documents

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