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Assister Case Association Policy

This policy applies to navigators and certified application counselors (CACs), referred to collectively as assisters in this policy.

Policy Details

Navigators and CACs associate with applications and/or enrollments to facilitate the processing of navigator per-enrollee payments.

There are five ways an assister can associate with an application or enrollment:

  1. Assister information is entered on the signature page of the online application.
  2. The consumer associates with an assister through the assister portal. The application and/or enrollment can be completed using the consumer or assister portal.
  3. The assister portion of Appendix C of the Application for Health Coverage and Help Paying Costs (DHS-6696) or Application for Health Coverage (DHS-6741) is completed.
  4. Assister submits the General Consent/Authorization for Release of Information (DHS-3549) to DHS-HCEO or a county or tribal agency.
  5. Navigators only: The navigator completes, signs and submits an online Navigator Online Case Association Form. See Updates to the Case Association Form Webinar for information about completing this form.

An association is not required for the ARC to provide certified assisters with information regarding a consumer’s application and enrollment status.

Case Association Webinar

Detailed instructions and information about the 2023 spring release of the Assister Case Association form: Updates to the Case Association Form Webinar

Procedure for Associating with a Consumer When Submitting an Online Application

  1. In the "MNsure Assister" section of the “Signature” page of the online application, select “Yes” to the question: “Did a MNsure Assister help you with this application?"
  2. Additional fields will pop open. Enter the assister’s nine-digit alpha-numerical Assister ID in the “Assister ID” field and the full name of organization into the “Organization Name” field.
  3. The association information is stored in METS as case evidence. Information is viewable to caseworkers (including ARC, MNsure Contact Center, DHS and counties).

Procedure for Associating with a Consumer Through the Assister Portal

  1. Assister provides a consumer their unique Reference Number.
  2. The consumer creates an account or logs into their existing MNsure account.
  3. The consumer clicks on "Manage Assister" on their account's tool bar.
  4. On the Assister Details page, the consumer clicks "Add or change my assister."
  5. On the "Select the Assister Helping You" page, the consumer enters the assister's Reference Number and clicks "Search."
  6. If a valid Reference Number is entered, the "Select the Assister Helping You" page will display the details for the assister in the "Assister Details" section of the page. If the correct assister displays, the consumer clicks "Next." If the consumer does not click "Next," the association will not be processed.
  7. The "Assister Authorization/Agent of Record" screen will display. If the consumer agrees to the terms outlined on the screen, the consumer clicks "Confirm" to associate with the assister.
  8. Once the consumer clicks "Confirm," the assister is now associated with the consumer in METS.
    • The association information is pulled in reports used for processing navigator payments.
    • The association information is not viewable to caseworkers (including ARC, MNsure Contact Center, DHS and counties).
  9. An application or enrollment can be submitted using either the consumer's account or the assister portal. In either case, there will be an association for purposes of payment.

Procedure for Associating with a Consumer When Submitting a Paper Application

  1. Complete the assister information on Appendix C of the Application for Health Coverage and Help Paying Costs (DHS-6696) or Application for Health Coverage (DHS-6741). The following information should be entered in the section titled: "For certified application counselors, navigators, in-person assisters, agents and brokers only."
    • Application start date
    • Name of applicant
    • Name of assister
    • Assister phone number
    • Organization name (please avoid acronyms)
    • Assister ID Number (nine-digit alpha-numerical)
  2. When the paper application is entered into METS, the assister information is entered as case evidence:
  3. Information is viewable to caseworkers (including ARC, MNsure Contact Center, DHS and counties).
  4. Information is pulled in report used for processing navigator payments.

For the navigator procedure for associating with a consumer using the online Navigator Case Association Form, please refer to the Navigator Case Association Form policy

Terms and Definitions

  • Assister: Navigator or certified application counselor (CAC) certified by MNsure
  • Assister portal: Online portal that enables assisters to apply and enroll on behalf of a consumer who has authorized them.
  • ARC: Assister Resource Center.
  • METS: Minnesota Eligibility Technology System.
  • Navigator Case Association form: Form used to associate a navigator with a consumer application or enrollment to facilitate per-enrollee payments.
  • Reference number: A unique identification number that allows a consumer to associate with a specific assister through the assister portal.
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