The notices below inform you of your rights and responsibilities when applying for and enrolling in health insurance coverage through MNsure. When you apply for help paying for your coverage, you may be found eligible for a public program like Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare or a private plan on the individual market for which you may receive tax credits. At the time that you apply, you may not know which program you qualify for, and in some cases, a single household may be covered by different programs. Therefore, please review the rights and responsibilities for each program for which you or your household members may qualify.
Your household's eligibility and enrollment in individual market private health plans (with or without advanced premium tax credits) are managed by MNsure in coordination with the health insurance company that you select.
Your household's eligibility and enrollment in Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare are managed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services and Minnesota county agencies.
Notices about rights and responsibilities: