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Report a Change or Correction

Keep Your Account Information Up to Date 

It's important to update your MNsure account if any of your household information changes. That could include a new address, changes to your income or changes to your family size. 


  • So that notices and forms are mailed to the correct address 
  • The amount of financial help you qualify for could go up or down
  • You could qualify to switch plans 
  • Your plan might not be available if you have moved to a different area 

How you report changes depends on whether you have private health coverage, coverage through a public program (Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare), or both.

Private Coverage

How to report changes if you have private health coverage.

Public Program Coverage

Contact the Department of Human Services to report changes for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare.

Public and Private Coverage

How to report changes if your household has both public program coverage and private health coverage.

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