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Change Plan

The 2025 open enrollment period runs November 1, 2024, through January 15, 2025. Open enrollment is the annual opportunity to change or renew private health insurance coverage.

Important! If you decide to change plans, you must do so by December 18 for your new plan to start on January 1. If you change plans December 19-January 15, your new plan won’t start until February 1.

How to Change Your Plan during Open Enrollment

1. Sign in to your account and click the Your Account link at the top of the page. 

This will take you to your account homepage, also called "Dashboard." Follow the next steps to get to your Enrollment Dashboard.

Your Account link

2. Click View Eligibility Results.

Your Health Care Results page with eligibility results circled

Your Health Care Results page will load.

3. Click the Enroll in Health Plans button.

enroll in plan button

5. Your dashboard will load.  Click the Change Plans button under Next Steps.

example dashboard with Next Steps and Change Plans button highlighted

6. Select either the medical or dental tab and then click the Change Plan button.

example dashboard the the Change Plan button highlighted on the Shop for Medical Plans tab

7. You’ll be taken to the Confirm Your Plan Selection screen. To continue, select the Shop for a Different Plan button.

Confirm Your Plan Selection screen with the Shop for a Different Plan button highlighted.

8. A window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to remove your existing plan and shop for a new plan. There is a warning message about premium changes that may occur.

Remove Existing Plans and Go Shopping button highlighted, with warning message about possible premium changes that could occur--'Please Note: if you decide to shop for a new plan, price will be calculated based on the coverage date of [date]. This means that your premium for a new plan could be higher compared to keeping your old plan.'

9. Shop for a new plan. (See Shop Plans for more information).

10. Enroll in a plan and sign. (See How to Enroll for more information).

11. Pay the first month's premium to your insurance company. You will not have coverage unless you complete this step.

Keep Your Account Updated

Remember to keep your account up to date by reporting income and other household changes as soon as possible.

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