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Upload Background Study Documents

This page contains information on how to upload background study documents into the Agency Management Program (AMP).

How to Upload Background Study Documents

Before uploading any documents/images, be sure they are clear and readable, or they will not be accepted and will delay the background study process. Acceptable document types are GIF, JPEG, JPG, PDF or PNG.

For each document type, please only upload one matching document. For example, if you have a document that includes both the Background Study Consent Form and a copy of the Background Study ID, you will need to separate that document into two files before you upload them. One for the "Background Study Consent" type upload and one for the "Background Study ID" type upload.

  • To upload documents, scroll down to the Background Study Section in the Staff Record and select the Upload Background Study Documents link.

    Upload background study documents link screenshot

  • Select the Upload a new document link.

    Upload a new document link screenshot

  • Select an option on the menu for the type of document you are uploading (Background Study Consent, Background Study ID or Background Study Photo-Fingerprint Receipt). Make sure you select the correct option so that MNsure staff is able to find the correct document.
  • Select the active staff member from the drop-down list. Make sure it is the right person, if you upload a document for the wrong staff, you cannot delete it.
  • Select the Choose File button to upload a document from your device.
  • Check the Attestation box. This is to ensure you are not uploading consumer information. It is ok to upload information for the certifying assister in their staff record.
  • Select the Upload Document button to finish uploading the document.

    Upload a document menu screenshot

  • To view/confirm documents that have been uploaded, select the View All Background Study Documents link.

    View all background study documents link screenshot

  • Once the consent form and proper identification is in the individual's staff record and that individual has completed the first two courses of certification training, the individual applying for certification will receive an email with the next steps for requesting the background study. If there is an issue with one of the documents that was uploaded, the individual may receive an automated email. The Background Studies FAQ includes examples of these emails. Note: You cannot delete a document after it has been uploaded into AMP. Please email (do not call) to report any documents uploaded in error. You can immediately upload the correct document. The system will accept more than one upload of the same document type.
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